Thursday, December 2, 2010

Many Moons

This past week has been a rough one. For the past few months I've been feeling really pessimistic about death. It's just a thing that happens, and it's sad but ya know whatever pass me the chips.

In the past I watched the way the murder of a friend tear apart a village. I survived a best friend being murdered, and watched how the grief destroyed friendships. Two separate occasions within one year. It was if the world had turned upside down, and nothing, nothing made sense to me anymore.

Watching people in their eighties pass away seemed so normal, and less emotional. So when friends Grandparents passed away, it was sad, but it didn't move me the same. It was as if watching wonderful people die in their early twenties ruined my perception.

This mentality came to a screeching halt when my dearest Grandmother fell ill. Within two weeks of being diagnosed she was gone.

She was the sweetest lady in our town, and everyone loved her.

Her funeral packed our tiny little church. Friends and family came from everywhere to show their support. The amount of love shown by all was immense and regardless of the circumstances, it was amazing to see my family together after so many years apart.

Sometimes it takes a tragedy to bring everyone together again. I've never been so proud to be a part of my family before <3

May the road rise to meet you
May the winds always be at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face
The rains fall soft upon your fields and
Until we meet again
May God hold you in the palm of His hands

Sunday, April 4, 2010


This weekend I went home for much needed rest and relaxation. Luckily for me home is only a 45 min drive or so... I do have the luxury of escaping to nowheresville whenever I want. During the winter months nothing pulls me out there except dinner with my mom.

The weather is warming up, and this changes everything.

Some of my favorite things about going home are bike rides, walks by the lake, and my back deck. There is something so relaxing and comforting about sitting by the lake. I think trips to the water is how I survived adolescence.

There are literally no words that I can put down that express the feeling I get when I'm sitting by the water, everything is quiet except the tide, and the critters chirping around me. I think sitting there could cure any hurt that exists in the world.

I'm feeling completely rejuvenated and ready to take on all the obstacles in my life now. I know that things are still not easy but I feel much more centered and confident in myself, which is a pretty awesome feeling.